Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Adnan ÇEVÄ°K
This research aims to identify the area where the Battle of Manzikiert (modern Malazgirt) took place precisely as possible, with an interdisciplinary perspective and using cutting-edge technological equipment. Fought on August 26, 1071, the Battle of Manzikiert is remarkable because of initiating the Turkification of Anatolia. In addition to the Malazgirt district center of the MuÅŸ province, the area where the survey is planned to be carried out includes the area of ÖrenÅŸar, Gülkoru, Selekutu, Yaramış, Karaali and Odaköy villages, which are in the east and southeast direction of Malazgirt. Depending on the course of the study, it may involve the area in the south and southwest direction of Malazgirt as well.
Nearly 30 researchers from 12 universities and different disciplines have been working on the project.
Idea Lab is involved in this study with Muhammed DolmuÅŸ, Ä°layda Ürün, and OÄŸuzhan Karaçetin as the core team. We primarily focus on cemeteries and human skeletal remains in the excavations carried out within the significant scope of the project and contribute to the project in terms of the bioarchaeological background of battlefield archeology.
You can use the links below for further information about the project:
A Project of Battlefield Archeology "The Battle of Manzikert" from Archeomedya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a82jucG2CtA&ab_channel=ArkeoMedya
Project webpage: https://malazgirtprojesi.com/